Summer Driscoll
서울에 위치한 고려대학교에서 중등영어교육 학사 및 국제통상학 석사학위를 받고 서울시교육청 소속 중학교 영어교사로 근무후 가족들과 함께 캘거리로 2012년에 이민. General insurance industry를 거쳐 현재 wealth management industry에서 Certified Financial Planner를 목표로 근무중.
본인의 정착 경험과 다양한 industries에서 쌓은 지식을 나누고 싶어 2021년 임원으로 참가. 현재는 초기의 비전과 더불어 캘거리 한인문화센터가 한인들과 다른 지역주민들에게 다양한 문화수업 및 네트워크의 기회를 제공할 수 있도록 활발하게 활동중.
Received a bachelor’s degree in English Language Education for Secondary School and a master’s degree in International Commerce from Korea University in Seoul, Korea. Worked as an English teacher for Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education and moved to Calgary with her husband and their two kids in 2012. After working as an insurance broker, she is expanding her knowledge to become a Certified Financial Planner in the wealth management industry.
She joined the board in 2021 with her vision of sharing her settlement experience and knowledge obtained from working in different industries with fellow Koreans. Now in addition to the initial vision, she is actively working to offer various art and culture classes to not only Koreans but also other Calgarians and provide networking opportunities through classes, events and many more.