
Who We are

The Calgary Korean Cultural Centre



캘거리한인문화센터(TCKCC)를 찾아 주신 여러분을 환영합니다. 

문화를 한 마디로 정의하기는 어렵지만, 우리는 사전적인 정의 없이도 얼마든지 문화를 즐길 수 있습니다. 케이팝을 듣고, 한식 맛집을 찾아다니고, 한국 드라마에 열광하는 캘거리 시민들처럼요. 문화는 피부색과 국적을 떠나 우리를 하나로 묶어 주는 접착제인 셈입니다. 

TCKCC는 캘거리 거주 한인들이 이처럼 하나로 뭉칠 수 있는 네트워크를 제공하고자 합니다. 그리고 한 걸음 더 나아가 한인 공동체와 다른 공동체를 연결함으로써 서로를 알고, 이해하고, 격려하는 사이가 될 수 있도록 다리 역할을 하고 싶습니다. 

지난 1992 12월 알버타 비영리 법인으로 지정된TCKCC는 코비드 사태로 경영난을 겪다가, 작년 말 존폐의 위기에까지 내몰렸습니다. 그러나 자원봉사자 몇몇이 마음을 모아 TCKCC를 되살리기 위한 노력에 나섰고, 그 첫 번째 프로젝트가 바로 ‘한글책 도서관입니다. 

캐나다에서 나고 자라는 어린이들에게 한글 책을 소개하는 것은, 2세들의 정체성 혼란을 예방하는 한편 캐나다의 핵심 가치인 다양성을 더욱 공고히 하는 활동입니다. 한인 사회뿐 아니라 제2의 고향인 캐나다의 발전에 기여하기 위한 노력에 많은 성원을 부탁 드립니다. 

TCKCC의 문은 한국 문화에 관심을 가진 누구에게나 활짝 열려 있습니다. 기회가 주어진다면 다른 공동체와도 기꺼이 협력함으로써문화가 풍부한 캘거리를 만드는 데 힘을 보태고자 합니다. 

여러분의 신뢰와 지지에 진심으로 감사드립니다. 

1호 자원봉사자, 회장 이유진 드림  (2021년 활동)


Welcome to the Calgary Korean Cultural Centre (TCKCC)


Welcome to the Calgary Korean Cultural Centre (TCKCC). 

Culture is hard to define, but you can indulge in the culture without a definition while listening to K-pop music, enjoying K-food such as Korean fried chicken, and binge-watching K-dramas. Culture is the invisible glue to connect people with each other regardless of their skin colour or nationality. 

TCKCC would like to provide the network binding Koreans living in Calgary, and going further, Korean community with other communities, so that we could get to know, understand, and encourage each other. 

TCKCC has gone through good and bad times since it was incorporated in Alberta in December 1992. Like everyone else, it was hit hard by the pandemic and fell into the danger of being closed by the end of 2020, but a few volunteers decided to bring it back to life. 

Our first project in 2021 was to build a Korean library for the Korean community in Calgary. The library is the place to pass on Korean culture and identity to the next generation. As Canada is a country of newcomers, it is as important for children to keep their origin as to be Canadian. In that way, Canada will truly thrive with our core value: diversity.

TCKCC is open to anyone interested in Korean culture. We are also more than happy to share our story with other communities because that is the way we could contribute to the greater good as a Korean and Canadian as well.  

Thank you for your continued trust and support.

The first volunteer aka President, Yujin Lee (served in 2021)

Fifty years’ story of
Calgary Korean Immigrants

The Calgary Korean Cultural Centre

Koreans have been immigrating to Calgary since the 1960’s. One of the earliest immigrants was the late Dr. Chang Young Kim, Professor of Physics at the University of Calgary. Dr. Kim and his family provided help for new Korean immigrants. His home became a community centre of sorts for these Koreans.

In 1968, he and early Korean immigrants founded the Calgary Korean Association (CKA). We will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the CKA on August 19, 2017 at the annual Calgary Korean Day festival. The CKA represents about 15,000 Koreans living in and around Calgary, providing support for established and new Korean Canadians as well as awareness, appreciation and understanding of Korean culture for the general public. It is the umbrella organization that works closely with other Calgary Korean groups such as the Calgary Korean Seniors Association (CKSA), the Calgary Korean Cultural Centre (TCKCC), the Calgary Korean Lions Club (CKLC), the Korean Canadian Businessmen’s Association (KCBA), Calgary Korean Scholarship Foundation (CKSF), Calgary Korean Art Club (CKAC), and Calgary Korean Performing Arts Society (CKPAS) etc.

In 2010, the CKA moved to its current location at 7008 Farrell Road SE, Calgary, from a small converted house at 17th Avenue and 30th Street SW.

A milestone moment for the Calgary Korean community was the establishment of the Calgary Korean Scholarship Foundation (CKSF) in 2008. The CKSF was founded to provide financial and moral support to hardworking, highly achieving, and promising young Korean-Canadian and non-Korean Canadian students.

It helps to recognize and encourage students who dedicate their skills, knowledge and services to our community, and to allow aspiring young students to achieve their utmost potential.

In the last 10 years, the CKSF awarded 280 scholarships, to Korean-Canadian students and non-Korean Canadian students through an application and three referees evaluation (transcript 40%, essay 25%, volunteer/extra-curricular works 25% and reference 10%), and to others through scholarships awarded in conjunction with the University of Calgary.

In 1992, Korean immigrants established the Calgary Korean Cultural Centre (TCKCC) to promote cultural exchange between Korean-Canadians and other interested Canadians and to fund raise to purchase/or build our own cultural centre. Currently, TCKCC offer various classes of cultural support education.

As of April 2017, twelve classes are in operation, and more than 100 people have joined. Day by day, the classes are growing in popularity.

Current classes include ESL, Kpop dance class, art and drawing class, ukulele class, guitar class etc. In the future, the school will provide an increasingly varied mix of programs such as Spanish Language, Chinese Language, and other classes. TCKCC plans to find talented lecturers, provide summer camps for the residents, and host regular shows by various Korean music and performance groups.

We have the dream of developing into an organization that can enjoy, share and educate with other multi-ethnic, non-Korean groups.

The Korean Canadian Businessmen’s Association (KCBA) was founded in 1978 as a non-profit organization by Korean businessmen.

The KCBA was formed with support from businesspeople from South of Red Deer to the US border, to uphold their rights and to promote their status, solidarity and friendship. Currently there are about 200 members. The KCBA supplies goods to members at a preferential price by contracting with various suppliers and helps members to better communicate with suppliers.

The KCBA offers seminars, business fairs, publishes brochures and business news thus enhancing communication and information exchange among its members.

Besides member activities, the KCBA has made contributions for the betterment of the Calgary Korean community, participated in scholarship fundraising, hosted a charity luncheon and recreation for isolated seniors, and hosts golf tournament for Calgary Korean community.